Resume is like your visiting card and power ful 2 pager document which play a pivotal role to land a job for you . We at has list 10 important point for building your resume .
10 Pointers to keep in mind about resume building
1. Choose the attractive and readable font.
Choosing the right font for your resume is an important thing and many people ignore the same, but the right font is going to do a lot for your resume.
Examples of right font:
Stick to fonts that sound like the names of hipster children:
Examples of wrong font:
If you choose a font that is hard to read or childish, a hiring manager might toss your resume in the bin.
· Comic Sans
· Papyrus
· Curlz MT
2. Choose a resume format that works for you.
Formats for a resume:
There are basically three types of resume formats:
Deciding what resume format to choose will be one of the primary things you do.
Most of people will opt for the reverse-chronological format. It’s the most commonly used and you can play with the layout. It's versatile too, and it works for everything from a for a first job resume to experienced and technical resumes.
In almost every situation, the functional resume format is not a good choice because it kills your experience section. And even if you don’t have experience, that’s not the best way to handle it.
Pro Tip: Consider a format that gets your most important information closest to the top of your resume where hiring managers will be sure to see it right away. Legibility is what makes a good resume
3. Use reverse-chronological order.
Starting from your most recent job and work your way back is the best way to represent yourself
For your experience section, put your current job first.
For your education section, put your highest degree first.
4. Include URLs to social media profiles, personal websites, and your blog.
If you have a professional website or blog, include the URL in your contact section.
Add any relevant social media handles as well. For most professionals, that will include your LinkedIn URL and your Twitter handle.
Creative professionals could also consider adding relevant links to Instagram, Youtube, or Pinterest profiles.
Take an extra couple of minutes to make sure that your URLs are live and to hyperlink them in the text so they are accessible.
5. Read the job description thoroughly.
Okay, reading the job description may sound like one of the most basic resume-building tips ever.
Of course, you’ve read the job description. Right?
In fact, most people spend an average of 76 seconds reading a job description. And that’s why hiring managers find that 50% of applicants are unqualified for the job.
You’ve got to make sure you have the skills necessary for the job in the first place.
Read the job description. Make sure you’re qualified. Read it again. Mine it for keywords.
Because that job description is your best friend when it comes to improving your resume.
Seeing a job title that sounds right, sending your resume immediately.
Reading a job description is as close as you’re going to get to reading the recruiter’s mind.
6. Make good use of the top third of your resume.
Another very important tip for your resume. Think of the top third of your resume and “the penthouse.” It’s here that you want your best skills, experience, and achievements to appear.
Try to put the best stuff at the top.
Because when a recruiter scans your resume, they will focus on the top third of the document.
If they don’t find what they’re looking for in a few seconds of scanning, they will reject your resume as irrelevant.
7. Matching your cover letter to your resume.
The two best cover letter tips are:
Write a cover letter.
Match the content of your cover letter to your resume.
Yes, people still need to write cover letters. And yes, they need to match your resume so that you’re telling the hiring manager one cohesive story.
If there was something you feel needs an explanation, write about it in your cover letter.
8. Insert action verbs wherever possible.
Take a quick glance at your resume.
How many times have you used the phrase “responsible for?”
A million? It’s not uncommon.
The good news is that it only takes five minutes to replace that sad phrase with action-packed verbs.
Using action verbs and avoiding regular resume buzzwords is one of the best resume tips out there.
Remember, not all verbs are action verbs. Try to avoid weak verbs like “managed” or “communicated.”
Here are some alternatives:
Wrong: Managed
Right: Orchestrated
Wrong: Communicated
Right: Persuaded
9.Tailor your resume to the job description.
Tailoring your resume is probably the king of resume tips. If you do nothing else, tailor your resume to the job description.
You do that by identifying keyword skills in the offer and then add these skills throughout your resume. It sounds like a lot of work, but these keywords are what you should put on your resume above all else.
That’s because keywords are what hiring managers are looking for when they scan your resume.
10.Add numbers and details wherever possible.
Adding numbers and details to emphasize skills is by far one of the best resume tips you can follow. Anytime you can illustrate an achievement or skill with numbers or details - just do it.
Increased sales by 12% over a 5 month period.
Responsible for sales.
Numbers draw the eye of the recruiter and details give them a tangible sense of what it looks like when you use a skill.
Maybe you increased sales, efficiency, or user engagement. Maybe you slashed costs. Whatever it is that you’ve achieved try to make it quantifiable.
